Approachable Yoga and Meditation

Meditation isn’t about clearing your mind of thoughts. It’s getting to know your thoughts. It is strengthening the voice of your inner witness. The one who knows your thoughts and emotions move through you like the weather. The part of you that can make space for all of it without getting swept up in the storm.

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Rachael is an instructor who focuses on fluid movement, longer stretches, breath work and guided meditation to relieve tension and create space in both the mind and body. Her focus is on functional movement and science based approaches to mental health awareness. Learn basic concepts to help manage stress and ease mental and physical holding patterns. A lot of our body’s aches, pains and tensions can be relieved by stretching and strengthening our muscles. A strong and limber body can help support all of your body’s systems. Yoga is not about already having flexibility, it is about meeting yourself where you are and starting there. It is a practice that is ever evolving and can help meet the goals of increasing strength, flexibility and body awareness.

I have had the pleasure of attending many yoga classes over the years with Rachael and throughout different stages in my life. I am someone who has been navigating chronic pain and illness for decades and the act of simply "going to a yoga class" is not always feasible for me. What moves me about Rachael's sessions is the care, deep knowledge, and keen awareness to all of those who enter her classroom. I have always felt included, safe, and comfortable to explore what my body is feeling via modifications and the gentle suggestions that she provides. The skillful way she blends the movement of the body, the breath, and mental health, is truly impressive and deeply nourishing. I would highly recommend Rachael's classes and trainings - no matter what age, stage, or phase of life you find yourself within. 

__ Sarah Bird